Many hikers will take this trail, found about 500 feet west of Hermit’s Rest at the end of Hermit Road, to Dripping Springs, which requires a turn down a side trail that branches off the Hermit Trail at the head of Hermit Gorge. I prefer following the Hermit Trail itself further in, which takes you out and then down into the main of Grand Canyon. The trail gets rocky and steep. Guidebooks will classify the Hermit as a primitive trail, which means it’s not maintained. However, in my opinion it’s really held up well. The occasional washout is marked good enough by cairns to find your way through. Long level stretches intersperse with sometimes tight switchbacks. You’ll have to cross a few rockslides so make sure you’re in fit shape and not alone. Eventually, the trail breaks with the Redwall Limestone and spins down through the Cathedral Stairs, eventually intersecting with the Tonto Trail. West of this you’ll run into campsites at Hermit Creek. Follow the creek another 1.5 miles and you peak over the edge of the Tonto Platform into Hermit Rapids. There, you can camp for the night. All campsites must be reserved two weeks in advance. You’ll find water at Hermit Creek and Hermit Rapid. Treat before drinking.